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Are we done with the Kinect?

Afther a long time waiting to get the xbox one or the PS4 at launch date, the kinect has become more of a heavy burden then I have become to know. In late November of 2013 gamers were waiting in line to purchase the knew system to use at thier confort of thier own homes but soon began to notice that the kinect did not have much use . The previous kinect from The Xbox 360 featured the same perks as the kinect of right now. ..So what's the diffrence , None really since they pretty much added the same thing along with a new system.

The price Diffrence

Back in the early 2014, it was common to buy the Xbox one with the kinect , but what if the person did not want to purchase the kinect? The diffrence now is about 150 $ , yep . In order to get a Xbox back when it came out is that much. The retail price now and back then with the Kinect is 500 $ , now its 350 $.

The End Game

Not sure what MIcrosoft has in store for the later year but hopefully they put more effort and finish their service for the Kinect. It has become somewhat promising in the beggining but it has lost its momentum along the way. The best the consumer can do is wait to see whats in store for the Slowly Infamous Kinect.

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